Pilates Basics

361 mins.
13 classes
mat, magic circle, foam roller, pilates belt, pilates block

Pilates has been around for decades and its effectiveness is undeniable. Whether your routine consists of practicing Fitness, Yoga, Weight or HIIT Training, doing your household chores or picking up your kids, you'll feel the benefits of Pilates cross over to your other fitness activities as well as in your daily life. Pilates Mat Workouts are one of the oldest and most proven methods of developing core strength, flexibility and stability. In these classes, you will strengthen and tone your body with an emphasis on your abdomen, obliques, back, thighs, glutes and arms. As you progress through these classes, you will learn challenging exercises that work specifically to engage and develop your powerhouse, which starts at your seat and goes all the way to your shoulders. This area is the root of all your energy and movements and harnessing it will improve your posture, body alignment, and stability while you simultaneously shrink, tone and tighten your whole body. In this program you will be introduced to the basic pilates equipment like the magic circle, foam roller, pilates belt, pilates block and a lot more. Let's get started!

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